Monday 12 April 2010

Skinny Vs Baggy

I don't often write about male fashion, girls fashion is so much more exciting & we have so many more ways of adorning ourselves. However, this is one subject which I felt I just had to comment on. Skinny jeans on men, forget boyfriend jeans, it seems to all be about girlfriend jeans, the skinnier the better...or not!

Now, there is probably a handful of men that can pull this look off (The Horrors in my housemates opinion look sexy in them..!) and it is a handful..but there are a whole damn lot of guys out there who can't.

Bless him, little does he know..

Seriously boys take a look in the mirror before you leave the house, there are a few things you should take into account when dressing up in skin tight leg apparel. Does my bum look big in this? Is my sperm count at risk? Am I revealing a little bit to much of my manhood? Are my pins skinnier than my girlfriends? In my opinion all very important factors!

Stemming from Cornwall I grew up in the presence of skater and surfers boys (yay!) so I may be a little bias, but for me baggy jeans are far more appealing! I'm not talking so low that the bum is completely exposed and the underpants are on view to all, but baggy enough to leave a little to the imagination if you know what I mean?!

Here is my approved guide for all you misguided men out there..

Too Skinny..


Too Baggy!!

It might be pink, but do I really need to see that much of your underwear just yet?!

Unfortunately not everyone shares my love for the baggy bottoms..but sooner or later they'll be fighting back with a vengeance!

My rides here..

gotta go, sk8erzz!

Miss Skirt x

1 comment:

  1. Baggy jeans were developed in prisons to show the fellow cell mates that the baggy jean beholder was willing to have said mates have sexual relations with the baggy jean beholder
